
The Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora (FFH-Directive) as well as the Directive for Conservation of Wild Birds bind the Member States to preserve the biological diversity by setting up a coherent European ecological network of special protection areas and establish respective conservation measures.

Further the FFH- Directive determines that any plan and project likely to have a significant effect on such sites, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, shall be subject to appropriate assessment of its implications for the sites in view of the site´s conservation objectives.

The Planungsgemeinschaft LaReG implements preliminary FFH impact assessments and FFH impact assessments as well as a survey of priority natural habitats and animal and plant species of the NATURA 2000 sites.

According to the impact survey a consideration of project variants, especially in view of minimization of project impacts, can take place. The result of the FFH impact assessment is decisive for legalization and implementation respectively of the plan or the project.

Project selection

FFH-Verträglichkeitsvorprüfung FFH 121 - Innerste-Aue (mit Kahnstein) Errichtung Freiflächen-Photovoltaikanlage Liebenburg (2024)
Landkreis Goslar
FFH-Verträglichkeitsvorprüfung für die Sanierung der K347 Moorstraße bezogen auf das Vogelschutzgebiet DE3521-401 „Steinhuder Meer“ (2024)
Region Hannover
FFH-Verträglichkeitsvorprüfung FFH 092 Drömling Sportplatz Vorsfelde (2024)
Stadt Wolfsburg
FFH-Relevanzabschätzung Erweiterung DUSS-Terminal Hamburg Billwerder (2023)
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg